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世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is
世界文化遗产 Where is

世界文化遗产 Where is


这个系列是《纽约时报》畅销传记《who was》系列姐妹篇,介绍世界文化遗产,企鹅出版集团旗下童书品牌Grosset&Dunlap 出品,美国各大书店强力推荐儿童读物畅销经典。

  1. Where Are the Galapagos Islands
  2. Where Are the Great Pyramids(有音频)
  3. Where Is Alcatraz
  4. Where Is Antarctica
  5. Where Is Area 51
  6. Where Is Easter Island
  7. Where is Hollywood
  8. Where Is Machu Picchu
  9. Where Is Mount Everest(有音频)
  10. Where Is Mount Rushmore(有音频)
  11. Where Is Niagara Falls
  12. Where Is Our Solar System
  13. Where Is Stonehenge
  14. Where Is the Amazon
  15. Where Is the Bermuda Triangle(有音频)
  16. Where Is the Brooklyn Bridge
  17. Where Is the Colosseum
  18. Where Is the Congo
  19. Where Is the Eiffel Tower
  20. Where Is the Empire State Building
  21. Where Is the Grand Canyon
  22. Where Is the Great Barrier Reef
  23. Where Is the Great Wall(有音频)
  24. Where Is the Mississippi River
  25. Where Is the Parthenon
  26. Where Is the Serengeti
  27. Where Is the Taj Mahal
  28. Where Is the Tower of London
  29. Where Is the Vatican
  30. Where Is the White House
  31. Where Is Walt Disney World(有音频)
  32. Where Were the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
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